From Bedroom to Club A Beginner's Guide to Starting a DJ Career

How to start a DJ career
If you're thinking about becoming a DJ, then it's time to start doing research. In this guide, we'll cover everything from learning the basics of DJing to building your reputation as an artist. We'll also give you some tips on how to build a following and choose your brand.
Learn the basics of DJing
The first step to becoming a DJ is learning how to mix and match songs. This means that you need to understand the basics of DJing: how to use software programs like Serato and Traktor, as well as hardware devices like controllers, mixers, CD players, and turntables.
You'll also need some knowledge about using turntables in your practice routines (e.g., tracking vinyl records). Some DJs prefer using CDs with their own music instead of types of vinyl because they think it's easier on the equipment.
However, there are advantages as well such as no dust being picked up by spinning around too much or jamming out loud while playing!
The second step is to learn how to create a playlist or setlist. A DJ's setlist is the list of songs that they plan to play in their performance. It should be organized according to musical genre (e.g., house music, hip-hop) and BPM (beats per minute).
Get some experience
It's important to get plenty of experience before you start making money. If you're just starting out, you may have to work for free or at a reduced rate in order to gain the experience that will make it easier for your career to take off later on.
You should also try to find gigs where there is a good chance someone else will pay well that way if the gig doesn't turn out well, at least something was learned from the experience and won't be wasted!
Finally, there are some jobs that pay well but don’t have a lot of experience requirements. These types of gigs are great for people who just want to make money quickly or who don't have much experience in the field yet.
Build your reputation
- Build a following. The best way to get your name out there is by playing at events and clubs, especially ones that are frequented by people who might be interested in hiring you. This can include weddings, parties, bars, and festivals wherever it is possible to play music for an audience.
- Get your name out there by posting flyers around town advertising those gigs where you'll be performing (and be sure to make sure they're legible). If possible, bring some printed copies of these flyers with you when performing at an event so everyone knows what date/time someone should attend if they want to hear more from this particular DJ!
Don't be afraid to ask people for help. If you're just starting out and don't know anyone who might be interested in hiring you, ask friends or family if they know of anyone looking for a DJ!
It's important to get the word out there that you're available and ready to perform at events. There's no better way to do that than by asking everyone possible even strangers!
If you can't afford to buy a lot of equipment, consider renting it. DJ equipment can be expensive, especially when starting out but you don’t have to break the bank just to get started.
You may be able to find some used or discounted items on Craigslist or other online marketplaces that will help keep costs down.
Build a following
It's important to build a following on social media, but it's also crucial to get your name out there. You can use Facebook and Twitter to promote yourself, but make sure you're promoting some positive content as well.
The best way to do this is by setting up a DJ account on each platform where people can see what you've been doing in the industry. Then make sure that whatever you post gets shared with the right people.
For example, if someone posts something about how great their favorite DJ is because of his/her performance at an event last night (and they tag him/her), then he or she will be notified via email so they can check out his/her page!
The last thing you want to do is post a complaint about a DJ who wasn't very good. You don't want to be known as the person that complains constantly. Instead, focus on promoting yourself and your positive attitude.
The most important thing to remember is that you need to be consistent with your promotions. You want people to see that you're always working hard and trying to get better at what you do.
Choose your brand
- Choose a name that is easy to remember.
- Make sure your brand reflects your personality and style, but also make sure it's easy for people to recognize. For example, if you want your logo to be recognizable by everyone who sees it, don't use bright colors or patterns that are hard on the eyes.
- Choose a logo that conveys what kind of music you play (e.g., "DJ" vs "Dance") and how much experience/knowledge/talent you have as a DJ/hostess/etc.; if someone doesn't know what type of event they're attending or whether it's appropriate for kids under 12 years old then they won't be interested in coming back!
Choose a logo that conveys what kind of music you play (e.g., "DJ" vs "Dance") and how much experience/knowledge/talent you have as a DJ/hostess/etc.
If someone doesn't know what type of event they're attending or whether it's appropriate for kids under 12 years old then they won't be interested in coming back!
Start producing your own music
- Learn to use the software.
- Learn to use the hardware.
- Learn to use the mixer, headphones, speakers, and microphone.
-Understand what each knob and button does.
-Play music you know well and are familiar with.
-Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they happen to everyone.
-Don't be afraid to ask for help.
-Have fun!
The best way to start a DJ career is to start by getting some experience.
You can learn a lot from watching other DJs, but you need to understand what works and what doesn't. You may also want to learn from your mistakes and avoid them in future gigs or performances.
The first step is finding out where all the spots are in town, if possible (this depends on how big of an area you're looking into).
Then, look up local events that have open mics where people will be playing music and see if there's anything that interests you in particular maybe it's more casual than formal, or maybe it's just fun!
If nothing comes up right away but still feel like playing music because it makes sense for your skill set/personality type (or both), then goes out into public places during off-hours when everyone else isn't around yet that way they won't know what kind of mood they'll get if they're listening too closely.
If you're feeling brave, try playing a cover song at one of these places and see how people react. If it's positive, then keep doing it! If not, don't worry about it, it might just be that particular place or time of day wasn't right for you.
DJing is a great career, but it can be hard to get started. The best way to start a DJ career is to get some experience and build your reputation. If you're looking for more tips on how to get a job as a DJ, check out our article on the best places in San Francisco!